Tapuwae Tairāwhiti Trails encourages you to have your say on Gisborne District Council's "Let's Talk Transport" now open for consultation until 29 February.
GDC have bundled together four plans for consultation -- Tairāwhiti Active Travel Strategy 2024, Tairāwhiti Moves - A Mode Shift Plan, Te Tairāwhiti Regional Land Transport Plan, and Te Tairāwhiti Regional Public Transport Plan -- all in draft form.
The term 'active travel' means making journeys in more physically active ways. It includes walking, scooting, skateboarding, mobility scootering, wheelchairing etc, as well as cycling. Being active has huge benefits.
Council's draft plans are aspirational in supporting active travel, including for school students to safely walk, scoot, or cycle to school, and -- as Mayor Rehette Stoltz says -- to make this community safe for oldies doing their shopping, and for mums ... and their prams, or with small children in tow.
Tapuwae Tairāwhiti Trails urges you to write in support of these plans and offer your views.