CAN (Cycling Action Network) is our national bike advocacy charity. Since 1997, CAN has worked at a national level to persuade decision-makers to invest in cycling, and make our streets safe and attractive. CAN is a registered charity pedaling a vision of a bike-friendly Aotearoa NZ.

With the Central Government's extreme change in direction, CAN needs your help to fight back for a positive future. Below, Patrick Morgan from CAN shares more about why it matters and how you can help.

Donate for a Bikeable future

Your donation is tax deductible as CAN is a registered charity.

Why give to CAN?

You love riding your bike, but wish it could be better. You want more bike lanes and safe off-road paths. You’re appalled at Government cuts to cycling, and at unsafe traffic speeds. You want real climate action.

Why now?

After making good progress recently, biking is facing fierce headwinds from the Government. We need to build public support, and raise our voices for better biking.

Working with bike advocates around New Zealand, CAN has a part-time employee, and a crew of volunteers. Receiving no Government or Council funding, they need our financial support to be effective.

What has CAN achieved?

Biking is here to stay. Since bike advocates got organised in the 1990s, biking has moved from a “nice to have” to a core activity for Councils and the government.
– Cities and towns are building networks of connected and protected bike lanes.
– NZ Cycle Trails attract thousands of tourists.
– The Bike Ready programme upskills thousands of children and adults.
– CAN’s Share The Road programme builds empathy, and lowers risk from trucks and buses.
– CAN project manager Patrick Morgan is a constant and credible voice in news media, making the case for cycling.

You can see more of CAN’s achievements here.

CAN’s Share The Road programme includes Truck Blindzone demonstrations which ensure people know how to cycle safely around trucks. 

CAN's Sustainable Urban Vehicle campaign – ‘Cargobikes are the new S.U.V.’ You might be surprised what you can accomplish with a cargo bike!

What’s next?

All that progress is at risk. The current government has cut new cycling funding to zero. Bikelash is real. The Minister has declared cycling initiatives a waste of time and money. That’s unacceptable. CAN is dedicated to turning that around, so we can all enjoy a better biking future. We need bike heroes like you to help us achieve our vision. Please give today. 

Donate for a Bikeable future or become a member of CAN Join CAN today! 

Your donation is tax deductible as CAN is a registered charity.